
FlexiWork aktivni veš donji deo – 9428

Bešavne duge gaće nude pouzdanu zaštitu prvog sloja tokom intenzivnog rada u hladnim i zahtevnim okruženjima.

6,240.00 rsd



Tanko pripijene, kombinuju radnu udobnost sa fleksibilnošću, ventilacijom i toplinom kako bi udovoljili različitim uslovima rada.


Sastav: 62% poliamid, 36% polipropilen, 2% elastin, 214 g/m2

Veličine: XS – XXL

Boja: Crna 

Standard: EN ISO 13688:201

XStore is a highly customizable theme, full of great features that lets you setup your project just as you dream of. But it is really the excellent customer support and helpfulness that makes me want to give it a 5-star review, they are actually willing to put in a bit extra effort and help you make minor customizations without charging extra. This is something a lot of theme and plugin developers can learn from. Judith Mckinney Seychelles
XStore is a highly customizable theme, full of great features that lets you setup your project just as you dream of. But it is really the excellent customer support and helpfulness that makes me want to give it a 5-star review, they are actually willing to put in a bit extra effort and help you make minor customizations without charging extra. This is something a lot of theme and plugin developers can learn from. Judith Mckinney Seychelles