
Bermude sa holster džepovima – 6141

Rastegljive bermude užeg kroja, sa standardnim džepovima i Holster džepovima za alat, ojačanim Cordura® materijalom.

11,160.00 rsd



2-smerno & 4-smerno rastegljiv materijal strateški postavljen u predelu leđa i prepona za veću fleksibilnost i udobnost. Omča za alat na čičak traku, nožni džep sa zatvaračem za nož, prednje omče sa držačem za ključeve, i klasični kargo džep sa kačenjem za ID karticu.



Osnova: 61% poliester 39% Sorona® poliester, 252 g/m².

Kontrast: 91.5% poliamid, 8.5% elastin, 250 g/m².

Ojačanje 1: 53% poliamid CORDURA®, 47% CORDURA®poliester, 283 g/m².

Ojačanje 2: 100% CORDURA®poliamid, 205 g/m²

Veličine: 44 – 64

Boja: Belo/Crna

XStore is a highly customizable theme, full of great features that lets you setup your project just as you dream of. But it is really the excellent customer support and helpfulness that makes me want to give it a 5-star review, they are actually willing to put in a bit extra effort and help you make minor customizations without charging extra. This is something a lot of theme and plugin developers can learn from. Judith Mckinney Seychelles
XStore is a highly customizable theme, full of great features that lets you setup your project just as you dream of. But it is really the excellent customer support and helpfulness that makes me want to give it a 5-star review, they are actually willing to put in a bit extra effort and help you make minor customizations without charging extra. This is something a lot of theme and plugin developers can learn from. Judith Mckinney Seychelles